Line and neutral colors
Line and neutral colors

line and neutral colors

But many other colors are also considered to be neutrals. You can make these colors by mixing opposite colors on the color wheel. Classic neutral colors include gray, brown, white, and black. So, a neutral color is a more muted shade that doesn’t have the same intensity as other colors.

line and neutral colors

Base Color PalettesĪnt Design's base color palette totals 120 colors, including 12 primary colors and their derivative colors. Basically, this term refers to any less saturated color. The definition of neutral color palette is balanced with readability, aesthetics and usability. Further through a large number of observations, to capture the different colors of natural light under the law of change, with the art of drawing ideas, the 12 colors were derived. Designers abstract the natural scenes through the capture, combined with the technical gene of Ant Financial, forming a unique 12 colors. System-level Color SystemĪnt Design system-level color system also comes from the "natural" design language. Color ModelĪnt Design's design team preferred to design with the HSB color model, which makes it easier for designers to have a clear psychological expectation of color when adjusting colors, as well as facilitate communication in teams. The product-level color system is in the specific design process, based on the color of the system to further define the tone of the product in accordance with the requirements and function of the color. The system-level color system mainly defines the basic color palette, neutral color palette and data visualization color palette in the design of Ant Financial. Ant Design interprets the color system into two levels: a system-level color system and a product-level color system.

Line and neutral colors